Student Acchivements

Student Img 4

Faculty & Staff

Student life 1

Compus and Location

Student Img 5

Health & Safety

Student Img 6

Domains of Professional Excellence

Holistic Learning

Visual Art

Student Img 8

Learning Support

Student Img 9

Sports & Fitness

Student Img 5


Student Img 10

Language Support

Student Img 11

University Counseling

Student Img 12

Student Oraganizations


MUM is an internationally recognized program that simulates the activities of the United Nations. During MUN Conferences, students take on the role of a diplomat from an assigned country and work together with other committee members to build a consensus to solve past, current, or future global issues across all disciplines. Model UN delegates hone their speaking, listening, writing, collaboration, negotiation, and investigation skills. Pan-American School students participate in both national and international conferences, as well as host an annual conference. The PASMUN Conference consistently has over 300 participants and has had schools from 8 different countries participate over the past several years.

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